5:00 PM
Modern Worship
7:00 PM
Traditional Worship
To fellowship faithfully is to unite our diverse body and welcome the strangers to be with us. In Christ believers have a new relationship with one another that extends beyond our physical family. By the power of the Holy Spirit we are a spiritual family, brothers and sisters, expressed in the New Testament as one body.
Nam ex tortor, suscipit vitae volutpat vitae, rhoncus sed felis. Morbi at volutpat massa. efficitur neque vitae, porttitor vehicula massa. Nam ac arcu ac urna faucibus aliquet quis ut erat. In risus justo, dignissim nec vulputate eu, congue sit amet est.
Lunch bunch is a group of ladies that meet on the 2nd Monday of the month. They enjoy a great time of fellowship, a great meal, and a great message from a guest speaker. Contact Carolyn Bass for more information about the group.
Join us this Sunday as Bethel will have one service at 11 am in the Family Life Center. This will be a speical service as our kids will be telling the story of Christmas.
5:00 PM
Modern Worship
7:00 PM
Traditional Worship
Join us Sunday for a special combined service at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary.