
Isaiah 58:10 - “Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.”

Serve Sacrificially

What we do

“Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God” (1 Peter 4:10). Serving sacrificially is our way of giving back to God. We serve by acting inward, taking care of our own covenant partners and guests. And we act outward, bearing the burdens our community and beyond.

How we do it

With Jesus as our model we serve sacrificially in many ways!

Bethel Care

JOY = Jesus, Others, You. This is the model for Bethel Care. Serving sacrificially and bearing burdens daily are the hallmarks of Bethel Care. Our team members put Jesus front and center in all that we do, putting a priority on serving others in our church and community whether visiting in the home, assisted living facilities, hospital situations or providing workshops on life and health topics. Bethel Care is a mission of service that reflects the love of Jesus himself.

At Bethel the Mission Committee works to create opportunities for Covenant Partners to be the hands and feet of Jesus locally and around the world.  This means that the committee establishes partnerships with local and global mission organizations. We support these groups financially but more importantly lend our serving hands and prayers. Below is a list of organizations we support.

Mission Committee

  • Ada Jenkins Center
  • Adult mission trips
  • Alongside Families
  • Angels and Sparrows
  • Campus Outreach
  • Caterpillar Ministry (Huntersville)
  • Charlotte Rescue Mission
  • Children’s Hope Alliance
  • Community Pregnancy Center
  • Direct missionary support
  • Haiti Outreach Ministries
  • Hope House Huntersville
  • Hope of Mooresville
  • Lake Norman Community Health Clinic
  • Neighborhood Care Center
  • Open Doors USA
  • Outreach Foundation
  • Pure Hope
  • Reformed University Fellowship
  • Samaritan’s Purse
  • Seminary education support
  • Watchman of the Streets
  • Wycliff Bible Translation
  • Youth mission trips

Bethel has established several local partnerships that impact local families through financial support but more importantly, hands on service. We work alongside others to show the love of Christ to all and strive to meet others where they are to form relationships in order to encourage and support those in need.


Disaster Relief

This outreach mission focuses on immediate need when disaster strikes a region. We have teams that are ready to go and share Jesus’ love for others by providing aid in early emergency efforts. We not only provide for physical needs, but also prayer support, encouragement and sharing the gospel.

In mission we cross cultural boundaries and come alongside global partners as they share the gospel in word and deeds in their contexts. Global mission isn’t just about us going, but more importantly relationships! We have begun to expand our global efforts by inviting those around the globe to visit us so that we might support and learn how to do global mission better. 

Global Mission

Prayer is the foundation of everything we do. Bethel’s prayer ministry intercedes for people, lifting up their petitions, bathing our worship in prayer, and covering our staff and leaders in prayer. We look to grow this ministry into a multi-dimensional form of sacrificial service to people in our area.

Prayer Team

Inclement Weather Announcement

We are proactively cancelling Wednesday Night Together tomorrow evening due to the possibility of inclement weather Wednesday afternoon/evening. We’ll resume next week with our final WNT of Session 1 next Wednesday, 2/26.

Sunday December 22nd

Christmas Nativity

Join us this Sunday as Bethel will have one service at 11 am in the Family Life Center. This will be a speical service as our kids will be telling the story of Christmas.

5:00 PM

Modern Worship

7:00 PM

Traditional Worship

Sunday September 8th

Join us for one service at 10:00 am
followed by a covered dish luncheon.

Join Us For Holy Week

Holy Week starts with Palm Sunday on April 2nd.

Sunday Feb. 2nd

One Service

Join us Sunday for a special combined service at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary.