
Psalm 29:2 - “Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name”

Worship Weekly

To worship weekly is to experience the transforming power of God and is a crucial step in our goal of forming disciples who bear witness to Jesus Christ. At Bethel, each week we offer three distinct experiences.

Modern Worship

9:00 AM start and lasts about an hour

If you are looking for modern worship, we offer this in our family life center. The setting is informal with chairs, tables, coffee and donuts. Our praise team leads modern worship music and the sermons are rooted in Scripture.

Traditional Worship

11:00 AM start and lasts about an hour

Experience a traditional style of worship in our sanctuary. Worship features a variety of music including hand bells, choir, organ, and orchestra. We sing hymns, follow a liturgy that brings together several traditions, and the sermons are rooted in Scripture.

Watch Online

Live at 9:00 AM or 11:00

Join us online for Worship At Home or worship where ever you my be. Our online experience is the live stream of our modern worship service and can be watched on our site, our Youtube channel, or our Facebook page

Watch Online

You can also watch  on Roku or Apple Tv by downloading the Boxcast app and searching for Bethel PC.

Inclement Weather Announcement

We are proactively cancelling Wednesday Night Together tomorrow evening due to the possibility of inclement weather Wednesday afternoon/evening. We’ll resume next week with our final WNT of Session 1 next Wednesday, 2/26.

Sunday December 22nd

Christmas Nativity

Join us this Sunday as Bethel will have one service at 11 am in the Family Life Center. This will be a speical service as our kids will be telling the story of Christmas.

5:00 PM

Modern Worship

7:00 PM

Traditional Worship

Sunday September 8th

Join us for one service at 10:00 am
followed by a covered dish luncheon.

Join Us For Holy Week

Holy Week starts with Palm Sunday on April 2nd.

Sunday Feb. 2nd

One Service

Join us Sunday for a special combined service at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary.